
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2011

ED4DOC desde la presa Garganta del Obispo (DLE-337)

Con el indicativo ED4DOC estará en el aire la presa de Garganta del Obispo, el sábado 30 de abril, si el tiempo lo permite, referencia para el Diploma Lagos de España , DLE -337. QSL vía EA5OL.


ANNOUNCING THE IOTA 50TH ANNIVERSARY MARATHON, 1 JANUARY 2012 - 31 DECEMBER 2013 The year 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Islands On The Air (IOTA) Programme by British SWL Geoff Watts, BRS-3129. As a build-up to our celebrations on this occasion, the RSGB IOTA Manager and Committee announce an exciting activity period in which all licensed amateurs world-wide are invited to participate. For a two-year period during 2012 and 2013, IOTA chasers are encouraged to contact as many different IOTA groups as possible, and IOTA activators to play their part by operating from as many groups as possible, with special emphasis on the less-frequently activated ones. The points system adopted rewards 'Activators' with higher scores for activating the rarer IOTA groups. Certificates and awards will be available to both 'Chasers' and 'Activators' to reflect attainment of graduated bands of performance together with attractive prizes for top scorers. The ch

New update for the 9N7DX log

I just upload the 17 april qso's for 9N7DX expedition to the online log. http://www.9n7dx.com

I just update the 9N7DX web site http://www.9n7dx.com

I just update the 9N7DX web site http://www.9n7dx.com