
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como castillos

World Castles Weekend - 2012

Goals: Work on the air from historical places, monuments and the architectural constructions relating to fortification to rise of interest to historical and architectural heritage as well as visiting extant historical monuments. During the World Castles Weekend there is a good possibility to fulfil a conditions of various award programs and increase your collection by beautiful QSL-cards. Radio hams of all countries and territories are invited. Organizers: World Castles Activity Group (WCAG) Date: The latest weekend of June (Saturday and Sunday). For 2012, on June, 16th - 17th. Time: From 00:00 UTC of Saturday till 23:59 UTC of Sunday. Bands: All HF and VHF amateur bands. Modes: CW, SSB, DIGITAL, FM Call: «CQ WCW» - «CQ World Castles Weekend» Exchange: Stations working from fortresses, castles and other historical objects give report and number of object according to WCA-list . For example, 59(9) CT-01880. WCAG members give report and member...