
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2010

TS8P & TS8P/P IOTA AF-083 & AF-092

The team will arrive to Djerba island 27 april evening and "may be" that the will can be active in the night (40-80-160m.). "May be" also that will be active from AF-092 1-2 may, because we are waiting for the others autoritations. Gracias Alfredo, IK7JWX

HK3JJH y sus operaciones IOTA

Muy interesantes las fotos de las operaciones IOTA de Pedro, HK3JJH , en su álbum de Picasa . Pedro es uno de los expedicionarios IOTA mas importantes de Sur y Centro América. Gracias Christian por el enlace.

IOTA EU-110 Dxpedition

I would like to inform you that me (IZ2LSC), Giovanni (I2OGV), Ivano (I2RFJ), Giuseppe (I2ZBX) and Diego (IZ2AMV) will be active from St. Nikola Island (IOTA EU-110) from 28 th May to 2 nd June 2010. We will use the calls 9A/homecall . We will be active on 80-6 M SSB, CW and RTTY with 3 or 4 stations. QSL is via Buro or Direct to our homecall. Info and online logs on www.timpy.it/eu110 Most likely, on the island , we will not have a permanent Internet connection. So we thought to provide an innovative service: a mobile phone number where you can send us SMS. Use it to communicate suggestions, propagation openings and everything you feel useful to the dxpedition.

Video del sol del 13 de abril

Faro e Isla Martín Garcia, LW5DFR/D