IOTA EU-110 Dxpedition

I would like to inform you that me (IZ2LSC), Giovanni (I2OGV), Ivano (I2RFJ), Giuseppe (I2ZBX) and Diego (IZ2AMV) will be active from St. Nikola Island (IOTA EU-110) from 28th May to 2nd June 2010. We will use the calls 9A/homecall. We will be active on 80-6 M SSB, CW and RTTY with 3 or 4 stations.

QSL is via Buro or Direct to our homecall.

Info and online logs on

Most likely, on the island , we will not have a permanent Internet connection. So we thought to provide an innovative service: a mobile phone number where you can send us SMS. Use it to communicate suggestions, propagation openings and everything you feel useful to the dxpedition.


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