
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2011


Otro diploma nacional de faros, y van ...    The award is issued by Klaipeda region radioclub “Svyturys” 2.      Confirmed QSO’s with Lithuanian lighthouses after 1998.01.01 are valid for award. 3.      In activating the lighthouse the station must be in the activating lighthouse itself or at least one end of antenna must be fixed to the lighthouse building. 4.      To get the Lithuanian lighthouse award LY stations must contact at least 4 lihgthouses, EU stns – 3, DX stns – 2 lighthouses. 5.      Same rules are valid for SWL stations. 6.      The fee of award is 5 EURO or 5 USD. 7.      Application for award , confirmed by two radio amateurs, should be sent to award manager: LY1CM Bronius Sriubas, P.O.Box 1244, Kaunas-18 LT-46005, LITHUANIA.       8.      All information about award you can get contacting  ly1cm[@]takas.lt LIST OF LITHUANIAN LIGHTHOUSES 1. JUODKRANTE LIT-001 2. KLAIPEDA LIT

R10RTRS Special Event Station

R10RTRS Special Event Station

Diploma EA Football Teams

Diploma EA Football Teams   http://www.ea-flt.com Del dia 23 Agosto  al  11 Septiembre From  23 August  until  11 September  

CW5Z, desde Faro de la Fortaleza del Cerro

El RGSur activará el Faro de la Fortaleza del Cerro, en el evento ILLW 2011, Fin de semana Internacional de Faros, con el indicativo CW5Z , desde el viernes 19 de agosto a las 21 horas hasta el domingo a la misma hora. 80-40-20-15-10 y 2 mts.