August 14th Press Release The team is mobilized and carries out many things to prepare under the best conditions our operation from the island Juan de Nova. Until our departure, we will keep you regularly informed through our official press releases and via our website. For this new adventure, it was possible to enlarge the team involved into the Tromelin 2014 operation. We are happy to welcome Jacques F6BEE, Yann F1NGP, Patrick F2DX and Pascal F5PTM. They rejoin Vincent F4BKV, Flo F5CWU, Guillaume F4FET, Michel FM5CD and Seb F5UFX. We’ll use the same equipment as the one used Tromelin, supplemented by various equipment placed at the disposal by sponsors. We are happy to have at our sides this year Elecraft (transceivers), Spiderbeam (fiber masts), Messi & Paoloni (coaxial cables), Expert - SPE (amplifiers), DX Engineering (80m phasing & accessories), MicroHam (interfaces), DX Avenue (6m DX Beam antenna). These companies allow us to implement all the desired equip...