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La antigua república yugoslava de Montenegro ha proclamado su independencia de la unión estatal que formaba con Serbia desde 1918. El Parlamento ha ratificado los resultados del referéndum del 21 de mayo

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PODGORICA, Serbia-Montenegro - Montenegro's parliament declared independence for the tiny Balkan republic Saturday, forming a new European state and dissolving what was left of the former Yugoslavia.

The assembly adopted a declaration of independence, verifying the results of a May 21 referendum in which Montenegrins supported a split from Serbia by a slim margin. The document envisages Montenegro as a "multiethnic, multicultural and multireligious society ... based on the rule of law and market economy."

After the assembly meeting, authorities raised a red-and-gold Montenegrin flag over the parliament building and played the ancient Montenegrin anthem ­ "Oh, The Bright May Dawn" ­ as fireworks exploded in the sky.

The declaration says Montenegro's strategic national goal is integration into the European Union and NATO, and the new country will immediately apply for admission into the United Nations and other international organizations.
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