4,5 toneladas de correo perdido en Rusia

Según informa Reuters, a correos rusos le ha aparecido un contenedor con 4,5 toneladas de correo del año 1999. al aparecer estaba en Finlandia en un contenedor precintado, por lo que el contenido del contenedor esta en buen estado. Espero que no tener alguna carta mía para algún manager ruso allí

La noticia original:

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Post has started delivering 4.5 tonnes of letters and parcels that were sent from the United States in 1999.

The state-owned postal service said the delay was not its fault -- a shipping container with the mail inside had languished at a port in Finland for years.

The container finally reached Russia on December 8.

"The loss of mail usually happens because of force majeure circumstances, such as natural disasters, traffic and other accidents," Russian Post told Reuters via e-mail.

"All of the mail has been very well preserved because the container was hermetically sealed."


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