Finland May 13, 2010 LATEST NEWS FROM THE DX SUMMIT DESK OF RADIO ARCALA A small group of people noticed the soft launch of the first in a series of two-way communications with the renowned DX Summit of OH8X, allowing masses of people to specify their desired information out of the DX data flow after registration. As it was expected that the system might face some kind of a bottleneck, given a sudden surge of traffic, a total of 500 users were taken onboard in the first wave. This number of users came in just a moment after the service was opened. The soft launch was successful and now at 1000 UTC, May 15, 2010 on the hour of the Dayton DX Dinner the function will be opened for an unlimited number of users - welcome on board at Now that we have the needed platform and capacity, we will be seeking new application ideas. Please note that there is a new discussion forum at the above address thrashing out and seeking new application ideas - this forum is monit...